Indian Acres of Thornburg
Proposed Website Design
Design Process: Quick Overview
Indian Acres Club of Thornburg (IACT) is a campground and recreation community in Northern Virginia.
Redesign club website to attract new members in conjunction with commemoration of 50th anniversary.
Interview club leadership and members to understand operations and what makes the club special to them.
My Roles
User research • User interviews • Information architecture • Basic layout • Wireframes • Preliminary prototyping
1. Research
Understanding the Club
Studied IACT’s existing website, social media, as well as websites of “rival” camps/clubs.
Developed a questionnaire for club members to get personal feelings and inside information.
Site Tour
Visited the site to get a feel for the experience and collected print documents.
Member Interviews
Conducted in-person interviews with club leadership and members.
Information Analysis
Established stakeholders, developed user persona, and discovered pain points.
2. Design
Include existing information on website while incorporating information from interviews and print documents.
Wireframes (Lo-Fi v1)
Wireframes (Lo-Fi v2)
Wireframes (Lo-Fi v3)
3. Reflect
*** To see the results of this project, contact me for the password to access the comprehensive design process. ***